Miquella's Needle is able to expel the Frenzied Flane. Miquella himself is all but confirmed to be St. Miquella's life goal, above all else, was to find a cure for Malenia's scarlet rot. Stay with me, because this next part seems a bit too weird to just be a coincidence. Dappled meats slightly boost all status ailment resistances. The butterflies all seem to have ties to the Empyreans, and Nascent correlates to Miquella. I mean, who uses dappled meats they find, let alone feel a need to craft more? I think it was to make us curious about it, and it worked. Like everyone else I was confused why this butterfly appears as such a rare item yet it only used in recipes for pretty pointless crafts.

1 in Leyndell Royal Capital: On a corpse over the stairs to the Grand Lift of Rold.1 in Sage's Cave: In a treasure chest.1 in Castle Sol: On a corpse by a ladder in a room filled with Skeletal Slimes in the northwest.5 in Siofra River roughly west of Worshippers' Woods grace, guarded by some Land Octopusses.1 in Altus Plateau: Can be gathered under the broken bridge in Altus Plateau.Found on a corpse near the edge of a cliff, outside Seethewater Cave Gelmir: On the edge of the mountain east of the Site of Grace.

Where to find Nascent Butterfly in Elden Ring This butterfly appears as if it's just emerged from its cocoon for its entire life. An arcane butterfly with translucent wings.